Miwadi Lime Cordial 1 litre
Miwadi Cordial, did you know the name Miwadi is an abbreviated form of "Mineral Water Distributors?" There you have it, use it the next time you organise a pub quiz!!!
“It's not your Wadi...it's MiWadi!”
No added sugar concentrated lime soft drink with sweeteners, added vitamins and zinc.Enjoy as part of a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.
Water, Lime Juice from Concentrate (20%), Acid (Citric Acid), Acidity Regulator (Sodium Citrate), Preservatives (Potassium Sorbate, Sodium Metabisulphite), Sweeteners (Aspartame, Acesulfame K), Antioxidant (Ascorbic Acid), Safflower Extract, Vitamins (Niacin, B6, D), Mineral (Zinc Sulphate)
Allergy Information
Contains: Sulphur Dioxide/Sulphites
Manufacturer Address
Britvic Ireland Ltd.,P.O. Box 2020,Dublin 10,Ireland.Britvic Soft Drinks Ltd.,Hemel Hempstead